
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Who's got the Power?

1. When you think of angels, what descriptions come to mind? How powerful do you think they are? Where do they get their power? Do they have more power than Christ?

Read Hebrews 1

2. How is Christ described?

3. Who has authority over angels?

4. What are the roles of angels? Who are they to minister to?


In movies, TV shows and books, Angels are often given a great amount of power. But, that power comes from God alone. They can not do anything without God's direction.

This chapter was talking about how some people were putting things such as Angels in front of importance over Christ. The writer of Hebrews (unknown writer - some think Paul wrote it), made it clear that Christ is of great importance and has power over all these things.

Is there something or someone you put in greater importance over Christ? If we look honestly, I think it is natural - we all do that. Whether it is our career, money, boyfriend/girlfriend, or Pastor, it is easy to look focus on who Christ is. He is the son of God and through him all things are possible (Phil. 4:13).

This week, refocus on who Christ is by reading some of the gospels. My suggestion would be Luke 9:10-27. Also, refocus on all that He has done in your life and seek Him this week with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Turn to him and see where he leads.
