On Sunday we had Karly, Corie and Kim all share about how spending time with Christ has made a tremendous impact in their lives. As they emphasized, it's so important to stay close to Christ daily.
God also emphasizes this to Joshua.
- What does God command Joshua to do?
- Why did he encourage him to be strong and courageous?
- What is Joshua to do with the book of the law? How do you think this helps him?
- What's the promise God makes Joshua if he knows the law and obeys it?
- How does this apply to us?
When Joshua had this encounter with God, he was just taking over the leadership of the Israelites as they headed into the Promised Land. Moses had just died and now, after 40 years of wondering in the wilderness, Joshua was put into this leadership role as they moved into their new land. Of all the times Joshua needed guidance and direction, it was now.
So, you would probably imagine that Joshua needed to hear something great from God at this point. Of all the things God could have said to him, he challenged him to be strong and courageous and to meditate on His word day and night. It is only through this that Joshua would be prosperous and successful. That's it! Stay close to the Lord by knowing, meditating and understanding his word. When he would do that, he would be prosperous and successful.
In the same way, if we are spending time with Christ daily, meditating and applying it to our lives, we will be in a much better place than if we did not do this. We will be prosperous and successful in life - maybe not in the way the world judges success and prosperity, but you will be successful by walking the path God has set for you.
Are you turning to God and his word for guidance and direction in your life?
This week, take time daily to spend time with Christ and see how you benefit from doing that. Set aside time each day - be intentional about it - and make sure that you can get encouragement and support from our creator. Then, apply what you learn and see what God has in store for you!