
Sunday, August 20, 2006

David: Leaving a Legacy

Opening Question:

Can you remember a speech or quote by someone famous? What stood out about that speech or quote?

There are speeches that define a person. Remember Vince Lombardi said, “Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing”. JFK once said, Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country. Powerful words that help make these people leave behind lasting, powerful, winning legacies.

However, speeches can also leave behind a not so good legacy. Remember Bill Clinton – I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

These are all words from people that leave behind part of their legacy. It defines what we think of those people and shapes who they are in our minds.

There is a clip in the movie "Braveheart" that, though fictional, defined this person – it defined this movie.

Watch Braveheart clip: Chapter 10. Begin viewing when William Wallace (Mel Gibson) arrives at the battle.

Inspiring isn’t it? Makes you want to just go out there and fight for your rights. William Wallace took a bunch of poor, regular people and inspired them to fight an English army that was well trained and prepared. Who do you think won? William Wallace and his men in large part to the inspiring message he gave them.

What kind of legacy are you going to leave behind? A legacy that inspires others to do good or a legacy that just makes people just shake their heads in disbelief of what you did or said.

Today, as we continue or series on the life of David, we are going to look at his last days. We are going to look at what he wanted to pass on to his son.


Read 1 King 2:1-3

What did David challenge Solomon to do?
1. Be strong
2. Show yourself to be a man
3. Observe what God requires:
a. Walk in His ways
b. Keep His decrees and commands, laws and requirements

What will become of Solomon if he does these things?
· He will prosper in all he does and wherever he goes.

Be strong, be a man and Obey God’s commands. Walk in His ways. If you do this, you will prosper and succeed in wherever you may go.

David’s final words to Solomon were these. Be sure to obey God and he will take care of you. Why do you think he chose to say these things instead of something like – secure the back wall and take care of your mom?

Because, through life experiences, he knew the right path to take. He knew that it is by staying close to God and relying on Him that he was able to succeed. The times that he followed his own path, he failed miserably. Look at the incident with Bethseba. Look at Saul’s life. Saul didn’t start off being this monster. He was a man who followed God. It wasn’t until he chose to take life and matters into his own hands that he started to fail.

So, David wanted to pass on this to his son. He wanted to make sure that Solomon knew to follow God because he knew that only by following God could he succeed.

Pretty simple. This leads us back to your legacy.


What kind of legacy are you going to leave behind? Are you going to leave behind a yearbook type legacy, “Hey, you were a fun, good kid – have a great summer?”. Or, are you going to leave behind a legacy in which someone can remember you and honestly say, “that kid made a difference”.

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have the latter legacy. How do you get that?
Be strong, be a man - step up to the plate and perform – don’t cower behind others or things

But more importantly, Walk in God’s ways
o Seek Him (Matthew 6:33)
o Obey his commands (John 14:21)

By pursing God and his path for your life, he will take care of you. It won’t always be easy, but it will always be the right path.

So, again, I ask, what kind of legacy are you going to leave behind?

What is 1 thing you can do this week to start walking in God's ways for your life?

PRAY for God to help you start walking in his ways.

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