
Sunday, February 03, 2008

Abraham's Test

1. Were you ever promised something that you had to wait a while for (i.e., a new video game, DVD, clothes)? What was it and how did it feel once you finally got it?

God promised Abraham and Sarah that, despite their old age, they would have a son born to them and all their descendants would be numerous and it would be a great nation. Finally, their son, Issac, was born.

Read Genesis 22:1-28

2. What did God tell Abraham to do? How did Abraham respond? How would you have responded to this knowing the history of the situation?

3. When Abraham was ready to sacrifice Issac, what happened?

4. Why did God test Abraham with this?


Abraham was a righteous man. He did many great things in the eyes of God. But now, he was put to the test. God asked him to spare his one and only son. He had no idea that God was going to spare Issac’s life, but nevertheless, Abraham proceed to the mountain top and was preparing to sacrifice Issac to God.

But then God stopped him. God was merely testing him. But why would God test Abraham with this? As Matthew Henry points out in his commentary, this request by God was a test of Abraham’s faith and obedience.

Think about it, Abraham had just been given a son after many, many years in which his wife, Sarah, was barren. Now God expects him to give Issac up? Was Abraham’s faith going to be strong enough to be obedient to such a request from God?

Abraham was willing to make a huge sacrifice for God – the giving up of his one and only Son. Because of his obedience and faith in God, he passed the test and the angel of the Lord said that he will be very blessed with many descendant (Genesis 22:16-17)

What are you willing to sacrifice for your relationship with Christ? Is there anything you wouldn’t do for God? What is 1 thing that you are willing to sacrifice for Christ this week? Write it down and share it with another person so they can be encouraged and help you achieve your goal.


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