
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Loving Others

This week, we concluded our 3 week series on the Great Commandment by talking about Loving others (Matthew 22:39-40). In the 2 previous weeks in which we talked about how loving God starts with your heart (Luke 6:45) and how, before we could love other, we have to first be comfortable with who God created us to be.

Therefore, the challenge this week was simple - love others. In particular, love 3 people who are the hardest for you to love.

Jesus never gave guidelines for who we should love or how we should love them. He just simply said for us to love others as we love ourselves.

So, how are you doing loving others, especially the 3 you have the hardest time loving? Regardless of how you started off the week, finish this week strong. Love others this week with a passion and determination unlike any other and see how God blesses that commitment.

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