
Thursday, May 06, 2010

Choosing today to fight for Christ

Are you choosing today to fight for Christ?.  You do not need to worry about living a lifetime of what Christ calls you to.  Sure, that is the hope, but that can be overwhelming sometimes.  So choosing to follow Christ means that each day you wake up, you will follow him with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and all your strength (Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:37).  Are you choosing today to fight for Christ?

This mindset can be particularly helpful for teenagers who have been in the party scene or who have been living active sex lives.  For them, when you choose to follow Christ, that means you are "throwing away" that lifestyle - a lifestyle that has tremendous temporal pleasures.  So, if someone commits their life to Christ, it may be hard to give up that next party or hook-up.  But, if that person chooses to follow Christ each day, it is much more manageable and can even have some tremendous rewards with it.

So today, choose to follow Christ.  Choose to live your life with integrity.  Choose to say no to that party because you know the ramifications that can have on you and others.  Choose to open your Bible to discover the truth and promises God has for you.  Choose to pray more today.  Choose to share about Christ to others today.  Choose to listen to God today.  Choose Christ today!

These are all manageable and beneficial things for you to do today that will help you grow closer to Christ.

May God bless you as you choose to follow Him today!

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