Of Christ's entire message, we have selected 3 sections in which made me (and probably you) say, "He said what?". Basically, these are head turning statements that challenge and push us to in how we live our life.
The 1st one we looked at was Matthew 7:7-14. Take a moment in read it.
In this section Christ made 2 "He said what?" statements:
- Ask, Seek and Knock and the door will be opened to you (v.7-12)
- Few find and go through the gate that is narrow. Many people enter the wide gate but it ultimately leads to destruction (v.13-14)
1. What or whom are these statements referring to?
- When we ask, what do we receive?
- When we seek, what do we find?
- When we knock, who will open the door?
2. Why do you think few enter the gate that is narrow?
These are head turners for me because too often we believe that we will find Christ without having to put forth any effort of our own. As believers we expect him to be there and make everything right. Well, that is half right. He is always there for us, BUT, we have to make some effort - even just the simple ask, seek and knock. How easy is that? When we do that, Christ promises us that we will find him and that we will be blessed (v.11).
This week, let's ask, seek and knock on CHRIST's door! Let's enter the narrow gate this week and choose to follow CHRIST this week!
There are many things we can ask for and seek that lead us no where. Let's choose to follow Christ this week and see how he blesses us and bless those around us.
It begins with seeking him. If you do not have a quiet time plan for the week, let me suggest you do these:
- Day 1: Matthew 14:22-33
Day 2: Matthew 5:13-16
Day 3: Matthew 13:1-23
Day 4: John 5:1-15
Day 5: John 8:1-11
Day 6: John 21:1-25
Some questions you can ask yourself during these times are:
- What happened in the story?
- What did Jesus say or do?
- How can I adjust my life to what he said or did?
I believe that if we truly seek after CHRIST this week, we will find him and be blessed because of it.
Pray that Christ would give you the strength, time and desire to pursue him this week.
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