
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Who gets the Glory?

Did you ever take credit for something that you didn't do? What was it? Were you ever found out?

Read Daniel 2

What did King Nebuchadnezzar demand from his magicians and sorcerers?

How did the magicians and sorcerers respond?

When Daniel heard about this demand, what did he do? How did he go about interpreting the dream?

In verse 26, the King asks Daniel if he was able to know the dream and interpretation, how did Daniel respond?

When, Daniel revealed the dream and interpretation, how was he rewarded?

How was God glorified in this story?


In James 1:17, it says that every good thing comes from God. What good thing has God done for you lately? Have you praised God or given him the glory for that yet?

God is good. God is faithful. God provides. He provided for Daniel and He desires to provide for you. Daniel knew that and gave the glory to God (Daniel 2:19-23, 27-28). Because of this, the King came to know God and his glory (Daniel 2:47).

Again, what has God done for you lately? How has He provided for you? Have you praised Him and given Him the glory. If not, do it now.


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